Time2Share: Product lending site
Created as part of my studies which focused on back-end development, I made a lending app.
The web application is made with the fullstack framework: Laravel, in combination with HTML5, CSS and Javascript.
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UI, App Development
3D Printer Hobbyist
A mobile app made with Flutter & Dart.
Mobile app about 3D printers and accessories made for android devices using Flutter, Dart & Cloud Firestorm.
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UI/UX Design
A project for my studies where I had to make a accessible website using a screen reader, keyboard navigation and WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications).
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WebVR - Aframe
WebVR application made with the Aframe JavaScript framework.
VR app for the University of Applied Sciences Leiden the subject of determining bacteria.
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Machine Learning
Facial Recognition
A facial recognition application using the opencv python library.
Using computer vision to recognize if someone is wearing a face mask and if not sending a photo by mail to the security.
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Gods of the ancient Greeks
Made in my first year of my studies, an website which supports the story of an self-made board game for the RMO (Rijks Museum van Oudheden) Leiden.
This site add more information about my board game - inspired by the Game of the Goose but with Greek Gods.
Take a look